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Frank McNair

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I know that many of you are old friends, clients, colleagues and associates, and to you I give a warm and heart-felt welcome. Others of you I have yet to meet -- but please know that I want to meet you and hope that time and life will provide us an opportunity to work together, know each other better, and share our stories with each other.


Whatever you are looking for -- whether it is a keynote speaker or a training program, a personal coach or a long-term consulting arrangement -- you will find the information you need right here.


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Since many of you have asked about my work in the service of the church and in faith formation, we have made that easy to find as well.


However you got here, I thank you for your time and interest in the work I do. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing how we might work together.


As always,



Life on the Line: Football, Rage and Redemption

by Frank McNair




Life on the Line is the gripping story of two young men struggling to under-stand themselves and the world around them. Set in the rural South in the fall of 1965, the story brings together Bart Wagram and Franklin Gibson . . .

Read more....



by Frank McNair


​​Quick, expert advice in the best-selling, easy-to-read format that business readers demand.


Packaged for visual impact and easy reading, The Golden Rules for Managers is the new golden standard in management guides.

How You Make the Sale:
What Every New Salesperson Needs to Know 

by Frank McNair

This is the perfect book for anyone in sales -- or anyone who has to manage salespeople at any level.  Frank's "8 Keys to Selling Without Fear" can help even the most-seasoned sales pro do a better job for his customer, his company and himself.  And the book is perfect for non-sales employees who suddenly find themselves having to sell to survive.

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