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Not Just Training--Business SuccesSkills

A presenter stands in front of the group and drones on and on--talking about everything in general and nothing in particular. Endless PowerPoint slides go up on the screen.  But nothing is truly relevant. At the end of the day, the presenter is tired and you're bored.  That's no good for anyone!


It doesn't have to be this way!


Imagine training by a practitioner--not a trainer.  Imagine someone who has lived the world of management in over a decade in the corporate world, and in almost 20 years as a trainer, consultant and personal coach.


The training is lively, fast-paced and interactive.  The trainer speaks the language of the people in the room--he knows your lingo and he knows your business objectives.  And every moment of every session is pointed toward helping you achieve those objectives.


That's training by Frank McNair!  It's not really even training, it's the disciplined building of Business SuccesSkills.  And it's what keeps Frank's clients coming back year after year.


Take a look at the topics below or call us with your special needs.  We will custom-tailor a program that helps you achieve the business results you seek. We don't sell training--we sell better results in pursuit of your business outcomes!


Here are some topics from Business SuccesSkills sessions we have conducted.


  • Account Management

  • Assertiveness

  • Coaching

  • Communication Skills

  • Conflict Management

  • Correcting a Performance Problem

  • Customer Service (internal or external)

  • Dealing with Difficult People

  • Delegation

  • Hiring and Recruiting

  • Influencing without Authority

  • Internal Consulting

  • Interviewing Skills

  • Managing Change

  • Meeting Skills

  • Negotiation Skills

  • Performance Management

  • Presentation Skills

  • Project Management

  • Sales Force Management

  • Sales SuccesSkills

  • Strategic Thinking

  • Stress Management

  • Time Management

  • Train the Trainer

  • Writing to Win!


McNair informal

Consulting that Makes a Difference!

We all know the joke: What's a Consultant?  A guy who borrows your watch to tell you what time it is! Sadly, there's a fair amount of truth in that stereotype. 


Many consultants see their role as telling, and perhaps there is a time for that.  But the fundamental skill of a consultant is listening, and that's what Frank brings to his role as a consultant to executives in companies large and small. 


He listens to your problems, certainly.  But he also listens to your hopes and your dreams--to your aspirations for yourself and for your company.  He listens to your concerns and issues--to the things that could block you and your company from winding up in the place you most want to be. 


And then together--because it's your company, not Frank's--the two of you come to some understanding of the best way to move forward, the best course of action to take. 


Being a senior executive--or a small business owner for that matter--can be a lonely job.  The future of your business unit is in your hands.  Employees (and their families) depend on you for their jobs.  Customers count on you as a valued supplier.  Your work matters--in a real and concrete way.


You need a partner, a sounding board, a confidante who knows how to keep a confidence.  Frank's your man.


Click Contact Frank, and drop him a note.  You'll be glad you did!

Everybody Needs a Coach!

Tiger Woods has one. So does Andre Agassi. Jerry Rice had several in his 20-plus years in the NFL. Do you think you are better at your discipline than they are at theirs?


I'm talking here about a coach--someone whose job is to help you get better at your job. Someone who is as committed to your success as you are. In this case, I'm talking about a personal coach--a coach for life or for career. Your coach can be a sounding board, a confidante, a companion and an accountability partner. And he can help you immeasurably as you move through your work and your personal life.


People decide to contact a personal coach for a number of reasons. Take a look at the ones below, and see which of these circumstances best describes your career right now. Then click on the "contact me" button and let's talk. This time next month you could be on your way to success in a way you only dream of right now.


  • Are you ready to take it to the next level?  

Do you need someone to help you get there?  Personal coaching might be just the ticket. A personal coach can work with you--by phone, in person, or over the internet--helping you hone your skills and get ready to make the next big leap in your career and your performance. Contact Frank and see how the two of you can partner to help you achieve your dreams.


  • Are you stuck in a rut?

Have you been working for a while--with good outcomes overall--but found yourself getting stale? Looking for a way to get that old "zip" back in your career and your work life? Give Frank a holler and see how you can work together to get out of that rut and move to a place far beyond your wildest dreams.


  • Are you new to your career and still learning the ropes?

You know you have an aptitude for business and you want to begin with a bang. Your company has given you some decent training, but you have a sense that--somewhere--there is something "more."  You're right.  Contact us and let's see you how you can get on track to reach your goals and be all you can be.


  • Are you new to management and wondering what to do? 

You could churn out work like crazy, so you got promoted. But managing  people is a whole 'nother ball game.  And you're not sure you like it. Still, managing people is an area where you have to succeed as well. Give us a call and we'll talk about how you can have the same success you had as an individual contributor. But remember, you'll have to come to see your employees as colleagues and customers--and not just as hired hands!

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