Homily/Sermon & Essay Archive
For as long as I can remember I have liked to put words on paper. Over the last 15 years, those words have more and more often been pointed toward God and the myriad ways God has loved me.
My final project for the summer I spent at General (Episcopal) Seminary in New York was a play, Seeking Direction, about a man and his spiritual director. For a year in the early 1990s I wrote the "Marketplace" column in Living Prayer--a magazine published by the Carmelite sisters in Barre, Vermont.
Most recently, I have had the opportunity to serve as a lay preacher in the Episcopal church where I worship.
The following sermons are archived from that experience--click on the title that interests you to read the full text.

Photo: Chapel at Holy Cross Monastery
Photo Credit: Conrad Lautze & Henry Reichert
Do Not Worry About Anything
Waiting is the Hardest Part of Loving . . .
God's Plumb Lines and God's Justice: Plumb, Square and Level
Walk in Love as Christ Loved Us